Collection: Italy

Heather Nagy's artistic vision extends to include captivating Italian landscapes, such as Tuscany, the Amalfi Coast, and the charming village of Positano. Enthralled by the vibrant colors, rolling hills, and crystalline waters, Nagy has long dreamed of visiting these picturesque regions. Years ago, she connected with a friend online who lives in Italy and generously provides her with inspirational photos. (Special thanks to Nicki Storrey. Check out her youtube videos: The Positano Diaries)These images serve as a window into the beauty and charm of Italy, inspiring Nagy to capture its essence through acrylic on canvas. Her paintings of Italian scenery invite viewers to share in her admiration for these iconic destinations, blending artistic interpretation with a deep appreciation for the natural and cultural allure of Positano, Tuscany, and the Amalfi Coast.